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expojo 1.3.2 released!

exPOJO 1.3.2 has just been released.

exPOJO is a super lightweight framework that provides:
  • dependency injection in Java (no XML - say goodbye to Spring forever!) using the easy to use ModelExposer class.
  • high productivity persistence using the 'exposed POJO model pattern' to access your objects via Hibernate or JDO.
  • an ORM wrapper that helps you to build code that is portable across different ORMs.

Version 1.3.2 adds an exceptionally useful 'auto query resource clean up' class donated by Guido Anzuoni from Object Magic: Using this class to encapsulate returned query collection result you don't need to explicitly clean up the query resources associated with those results. Guido's class 'automagically' cleans up the resources when it is garbage collected. This is great for users of the OpenPersistenceManagerInView pattern. Currently Guido's class works with JDO only.

Version 1.3.2 also adds a new flushChanges method which is great when you need to establish an extremely complex object graph with cyclic references. ORMs occassionally generate FK constraints with such object graphs and the only workaround is to perform piecemeal database commits. The new flushChanges method can be called at various steps during construction of a complex object graph to perform piecemeal database commits, upon return from flushChanges the exPOJO transaction depth is restored to its previous value saving the developer from having to save/restore the transaction depth explicitly.


OMax said…
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OMax said…
Repeating in last release post:
Why is this project not active anymore? Should JPA implementations now be preferred instead of expojo? What projects use expojo? Or when JPA support will be implemented? Does it work with GAE?
OMax said…
Is there a maven repo for expojo/archetype to try it out?
Unknown said…
With great interest I saw the recent release of expojo 1.4.

Is there any best practice example available how to integrate expojo with Wicket. Since wicket pages to not use servlets, I assume that the ExpojoServletFilter should target the WicketFilter in web.xml. But what is the recommended approach then to access Repositories/Services in the Wicket pages. Thanks
In answer to your questions: exPOJO is very much active though more activity occurs on the website rather than the blog.

JPA can be used under exPOJO just like Hibernate and JDO can be so that if your project uses exPOJO it remains easily portable between any framework or standard: Hibernate, JDO or JPA. The only difference is that exPOJO comes complete with Hibernate and JDO PersistenceProviderS but does not yet have a JPA implementation but if you look at the other two you'll see how easy that is for someone who has used JPA to create (and maybe contribute back to the open source project)

We are working on an example that demonstrates its use within a WIMDEX (Wicket, Model Driven, ExPOJO) stack. WIMDEX has to be one of the most productive web development stacks around.

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