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Showing posts from April, 2011

Version 2.0.1 Released!

After a long period of happy exPOJO usage on a variety of different projects we saw some room for simplification and improvement and version 2.0.1 is the result of this. We've made some excellent refinements and added some new features: New ModelExposerFactory The most notable refinement is that the PersistenceProviderFactory has been renamed to ModelExposerFactory which is extended within your application to become the single object reponsible for producing ModelExposer's when required. Previously ModelExposers were produced by the ExpojoServletContextListener which unfortunately tied the use of exPOJO to web based applications. Now that ModelExposer's are produced by a separate ModelExposerFactory that is independent of the servlet API exPOJO can be used equally well in web app and traditional Java applications. Even within web based development there is often the need for background threads running as part of the web app or running as services outside of a servlet contai...