A major provider of financial IT resources based in Sydney, Australia is using exPOJO to provide access to their core enterprise objects in a generic way. A variety of their integral applications use exPOJO to expose their core enterprise objects in a consistent and generic way saving thousands of developer hours whenever a new application needs to be created. The exposed model was implemented using exPOJOs JPOX/JDO wrapper (a Hibernate wrapper is also available) as their transparent persistence solution. JPOX was chosen because it provides virtually 100% transparent persistence at the domain model level and has a significant performance edge due to its ability to perform build time byte code enhancement instead of relying on much slower run time reflection to do its job. The domain model objects are all pure POJOs without any need for annotations or the need to add extra methods to enable the underlying ORM to function correctly. All domain models are designed and maintained using the...
Expojo: Light weight, thread injected dependencies (TDI) without the performance drain of reflection
Expojo is an extremely light weight, blindingly fast, elegant framework that implements transparent, ORM engine independence while providing all the dependency injection you need. Expojo comes complete with interfaces to JDO or Hibernate (others can be added easily) and can be used by any UI framework: Wicket, JSP, JSF etc., After you've tried it you'll start asking yourself why you were doing things the hard way for so long...